2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Course Number Information

Common Course Numbers

Following are course numbers which are common to departments across campus. These common numbers may be used under named conditions by prefixing with the department subject prefix:

1059, 2059, 3159/5159, 4159/5159, 6259, 7359 - Reserved for temporary courses of a special or experimental nature. May be repeated on different topics.

3133, 4133/5133, 6233 Workshop - 1-6 hrs. Courses offered for special groups as announced in advance. Lecture workshops require 16 classroom contact hours for every one hour of credit. Activity workshops require 30 classroom contact hours for every hour of credit. Students may take work in one or more workshops. Undergraduates may not use more than 6 hours toward graduation. Graduate workshops may be used toward the completion of a graduate program with departmental approval, not to exceed 15 credit hours.

3179 Cooperative Education - 1-6 hrs. For students who wish to apply classroom learning to field experience. Requires approval by the faculty supervisor, the head of the academic department granting credit, and Cooperative Education/Internship staff for placement agreement, project, and credit arrangements. Credit may not be applied to a major or minor without approval by the department offering the major or minor. Co-op/Internship staff assist in developing placements and arranging student interviews with employers and maintain contact with student and employer during the co-op/internship experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours credit. 

1086, 2086, 3186/5186, 4186/5186, 6286, 7386 Studies in "______" - Courses to be offered by departments for specialized work not covered by regular courses. Credit and topic for "study" to be given in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topics.

109C, 319C, 519C Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) - Undergraduate students: 0-6 hrs; Graduate students: 0-15 hrs.

319P Presidential Scholars Research - 1-3 hrs. For Presidential Scholars only. Credit and topic to be approved by the Presidential Scholars Board. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 hours. 

4198 Independent Study - Hours to be arranged in advance. A provision for undergraduate students to do work in a special area not offered in formal courses. (Does not provide graduate credit.) Permission of the head of the department offering the work is required. Projects must be approved well before the beginning of the semester in which the work is to be done. 

4199 Study Tour - 1-12 hrs. Offered as announced in the Schedule of Classes. See Summer Bulletin for general description and consult appropriate department for specific information. 

6285 or 7385 Readings - Offered as needed in the various disciplines - not offered as a class. Independent readings from a selected list as approved in advance by department head. Credit to be determined at time of registration. May be repeated.

6289 or 7389 Seminar - Offered as needed in the various disciplines. Credit and topic to be given in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topics.

629C Continuous Registration. Graduate students who have completed all of their program but not all of their graduation requirements, e.g. comprehensive exams, thesis, paper/project, recitals, etc., must be continuously registered until the degree is completed. Students reaching this stage will be automatically registered in the course ___629C, Continuous Registration, and assessed the appropriate tuition. Continuous registration ensures that students can access their university email accounts and utilize library services through graduation. May be repeated.

629R Directed Research - 1-6 hrs. Course is available to thesis and non-thesis students on a credit/no credit basis. Students may enroll in the course following enrollment in all allowable hours of  ____6299 (6-9 hours for thesis students and 3 hours for non-thesis students). Students may take this course for a maximum of 6 hours per semester. Please refer to individual programs for possible exceptions. May be repeated to maximum of 12 hours.

6297 or 7397 Practicum - 1-4 hrs. Offered as needed in the various disciplines to provide practical experience in college teaching. May be repeated.

6299 or 7399 Research - See details for approval and registration. Repeatable to the maximum credits for a student's degree.

7300 Post-Comprehensive Registration.  Doctoral students who have completed all of their program but not all of their graduation requirements, e.g. dissertation, etc., must be continuously enrolled in ____ 7300, Post Comprehensive Registration, until all degree requirements have been met to ensure continued access to their university email accounts and library services. May be repeated.

Individual Studies Program

Courses offered in the Individual Studies Program may have a prefix of INDIVSTU xxxx instead of a department prefix. These include: 

Self-Forming Seminar (INDIVSTU 4192) - 1-3 hrs

This course is a type of group independent study which allows students with a common interest to organize a time for study together with each member of the team often working on part of a larger problem or project. A faculty consultant must agree to evaluate the completed project at the end of the term.

Individual Study Project (INDIVSTU 4193/5193)

This course is an opportunity for research, creative work, or experience-oriented study in areas not usually covered by the university curriculum. The form of the project and the number of credit hours assigned to the project (usually 1-3) are worked out between the student and the faculty consultant selected.

Interdisciplinary Readings (INDIVSTU 4196) - 1-3 hrs

This course allows the student to develop a program of readings on a topic not dealt within the university’s regular course offerings. The reading list and the number of credit hours must be approved by a faculty member specifically chosen to supervise and aid the students work.

Undergraduate Thesis (INDIVSTU 4197) - 3-6 hrs

The writing of a thesis is required of all Individual Studies majors. This six-credit project may take the form of a research paper, creative work, or application of knowledge gained from an internship or work-related experience. The thesis topic must be approved by the faculty advisor. Copies of Undergraduate Thesis Guidelines are available in the Individual Studies Office.

Guide to Course Prefixes

This table is in alphabetical order by Department/Unit:
3-digit Prefix through Summer 2011 Subject Area Abbreviation effective Fall 2011 Subject Area Name Department/Unit
120 ACCT Accounting Accounting
New prefix effective Summer 2024 ENGR Engineering Applied Engineering
330 TECH Technology Applied Engineering
New prefix effective Summer 2020 TECH TEE Technology Engineering Education Applied Engineering
600 ART Art Studio Art and Graphic Design
600 ARTED Art Education Art and Graphic Design
600 ARTHIST Art History Art and Graphic Design
840 BIOL Biology Biology
890 IA LL Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Biology
100 BUSINESS Business Administration, Interdepartmental Business Administration, College of, Interdepartmental
New prefix effective Summer 2022 CTE Career Technical Education Business Administration, College of, Interdepartmental
CAP CAP Capstone Capstone, Liberal Arts Core
860 CHEM Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry
51C and 51S CSD Communication Sciences and Disorders Communication Sciences and Disorders
New prefix effective Summer 2024 CM CORE Communication and Media Core Communication and Media
48C COMM Communication and Media Communication and Media
New prefix effective Summer 2016 COMM DM Communication and Media: Digital Media Communication and Media
48P COMM PR Communication and Media: Public Relations Communication and Media
48C/48E/48J/48P prefix varies COMM COR Communication and Media Core Communication and Media
48C/48E/48J/48P prefix varies COMMGRAD Communication and Media Graduate Communication and Media
810 CS Computer Science Computer Science
New prefix effective Summer 2021 CS ED Computer Science Education Computer Science
New prefix effective Summer 2019 TECH CM Technology Construction Mangement Construction Management
New prefix effective Summer 2025 CI Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum & Instruction
210 ELEMECML Elementary, Early Childhood and Middle Level Education Curriculum and Instruction
New prefix effective Summer 2024 ELSPED Elementary and Special Education Curriculum and Instruction
230 LITED Literacy Education Curriculum and Instruction
New prefix effective Summer 2022 LRNTECH Learning Technologies Curriculum and Instruction
300 SAFETYED Safety Education Curriculum and Instruction
350 SLS School Library Studies Curriculum and Instruction
870 EARTHSCI Earth Science Earth and Environmental Sciences
920 ECON Economics Economics
190 INTDEPED Education, Interdepartmental Education, Interdepartmental
270 EDLEAD Educational Leadership Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies
170 POSTSEC Postsecondary Education: Student Affiars Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies
200 EDPSYCH Educational Psychology Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies
250 MEASRES Measurement and Research Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies
260 SOCFOUND Social Foundations Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies
290 COUN Counseling Family, Aging & Counseling
31F FAM SERV Family Services Family, Aging & Counseling
31G GERO Gerontology Family, Aging & Counseling
31I INTDSGN Interior Design Family, Aging & Counseling
New prefix effective Summer 2025 PRODINNO Product Innovation Family, Aging & Counseling
31T TEXDSGN Textiles and Apparel Family, Aging & Counseling
160 FIN Finance Finance
970 GEOG Geography Geography
New prefix effective Summer 2020 RTNL Recreation, Tourism, and Non-Profit Leadership Health, Recreation and Community Services
960 HIST History History
680 HUM Humanities Interdisciplinary
000 INDIVSTU Individual Studies Interdisciplinary
440 KAHHS (effective Summer 2018) Kinesiology, Allied Health and Human Services, interdepartmental Kinesiology, Allied Health and Human Services, Interdepartmental
42T AT Athletic Training Kinesiology & Athletic Training
New prefix effective Summer 2022 KINES Kinesiology Kinesiology & Athletic Training
710 CHIN Chinese Languages and Literatures
620 ENGLISH English Language and Literature Languages and Literatures
720 FREN French Languages and Literatures
740 GER German Languages and Literatures
700 LANG Languages Languages and Literatures
790 PORT Portuguese Languages and Literatures
770 SLAV Russian Languages and Literatures
780 SPAN Spanish Languages and Literatures
630 TESOL TESOL/Applied Linguistics Languages and Literatures
New prefix effective Summer 2017 LIBRARY Library Library
150 MGMT Management Management
New prefix effective Summer 2022 ENTR Entrepreneurship Marketing and Entrepreneurship
130 MKTG Marketing Marketing and Entrepreneurship
800 ACT SCI Actuarial Science Mathematics
800 MATH Mathematics Mathematics
800 STAT Statistics Mathematics
080 MIL SCI Military Science Military Science
540 MUS APPL Music Applied School of Music
570 MUS ED Music Education and Methods School of Music
530 MUS ENS Music Ensembles School of Music
590 MUS HIST Music History School of Music
595 MUS LIT Music Literature School of Music
560 MUS TECH Music Techniques School of Music
580 MUS THEO Music Theory School of Music
520 MUSIC Music School of Music
New prefix effective Summer 2020 PH Public Health and Education Nursing and Public Health
New prefix effective Summer 2024 NUR Nursing Nursing and Public Health
650 PHIL Philosophy Philosophy and World Religions
640 RELS World Religions Philosophy and World Religions
880 PHYSICS Physics Physics
942 POL AMER Politics, American Political Science
944 POL COMP Politics, Comparative Political Science
940 POL GEN Politics, General Political Science
943 POL INTL Politics, International Political Science
941 POL THRY Political Theory Political Science
400 PSYCH Psychology Psychology
950 PUB POL Public Policy Public Policy
820 PSM Professional Science Masters Science Education
820 SCI ED Science Education Science Education
830 ENV SCI Environmental Science Science Education
900 SOC SCI Social Science Social Science
New prefix effective Summer 2018 SOCSCIED Social Science Education Social Science
450 SW Social Work Social Work
990 ANTH Anthropology Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology
982 CRIM Criminology Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology
980 SOC Sociology Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology
New prefix effective Summer 2025 SPIE Special and Inclusive Education Special Education
New prefix effective Summer 2025 EDUC Education Teaching
280 TEACHING Teaching Teaching
490 THEATRE Theatre Theatre
010 UNIV University, Interdisciplinary University, Interdisciplinary
some 680 and 900 prefixes WGS Women's and Gender Studies Women's and Gender Studies

Course Number Explanation

Courses are designated by an alpha subject field (up to 8 characters) and 4-digit course number.  The alpha subject field refers to the department or area of the course; the number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated ART 3011, ART refers to the Department of Art and Graphic Design and the 3011 refers to the course. 

Courses numbered 0000 through 0999: Non-credit courses and courses that are offered to non-matriculated students (such as CIEP). 

Courses numbered 1000 through 1999: Introductory, elementary, and general education courses that are appropriate for first year students and others with no special background. A course in this series will have few if any prerequisites. 

Courses numbered 2000 through 2999: Lower level undergraduate courses; those that ideally are taken by second and perhaps third year students. These courses might build on materials and knowledge from the 1000 series courses and may have prerequisites. 

Courses numbered 3000 through 3999: Upper level undergraduate courses, courses for majors, courses which require significant prerequisites.

Courses numbered 4000 through 4999: Advanced upper level undergraduate courses including seminars, advanced independent study courses, honors thesis work, etc.

Courses numbered 5000 through 5999: Introductory graduate or first year graduate courses.

Courses numbered 6000 through 6999: Upper level graduate courses.

Courses numbered 7000 through 7999: Doctoral courses. 

Semester Designation for Courses

Each course description has a semester(s) designation indicating when it is typically offered. The semester designation is listed at the end of each course description in parenthesis -- i.e., (Offered Fall and Spring), (Offered even Springs), (Variable), etc. Every effort will be made to abide by the designations, but this is not a guarantee that the course will be offered as indicated.